

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The Men’s Guide to Winning Women’s Respect

The Men's Guide to Winning Women’s Respect
It’s hard to understand the values or feelings that help men build healthy and 

long-lasting relationships with their women. Famous writer Frederik Beigbeder thinks that love is a temporary feeling that lasts three years. Many of my female friends have a different point of view and believe that real love is immortal.
I’ve analyzed a great number of sociological surveys and found out that many men believe in love, but they think that love isn’t the main priority in the relationship between a man and a woman. A man among men needs his woman’s respect and does everything possible and impossible to win it.
Women’s respect is a stable thing that often puts the spark back into the relationship, especially when it seems love is taking over. Unlike love and reputation, respect can’t be built in a moment. In most cases, it takes much time and effort to prove your lady that you deserve her respect. Women believe in deeds, not words.
As highly intellectual and sensitive creatures, women also pay considerable attention to the men’s inner world and strength of fortitude. Read on and you’ll understand what masculine values, behaviors and habits will certainly give birth to a genuine respect between you and your lady.

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