

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

British media write for Elvana Gjata (Photo)

The news made headlines for stealing Instagram account Albanian singer, 

she has echoed in the UK.
It is about the British newspaper, Daily Mail, which reports that Linkin password's length is broken.
Although he claimed to have found intimate photos of the singer, it was not confirmed and that teenagers already been arrested.
Teenagers aged 15 years had admitted that much easier to steal account of the singer. They departed from the usual security question when deciding to open an account, reports.
Question: What have you always like to be when you grow up?
The answer: "Vocals".
That was enough that her account was made public, "writes inter alia Dailymail. The singer has presented this case to the police, where they were arrested four teenagers aged 15. Also, the British daily wrote singer career and its successes.
To read the article, klick HERE

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